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Skidmore College
Economics Department


Associate Professor

电话: 518-580-5096
Office location: Filene 218
Current research


  • Ph. D., Economics, University of California, Riverside, 2005
  • M.A., Economics, Delhi School of Economics, India, 1999
  • B.A. (Honors) Economics, Delhi University, India, 1996

My research program envelopes three basic themes: (i) the ecology versus economy debate, (ii) using data and statistical techniques to analyze contemporary issues. 和(3) challenges facing the emerging economies of the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India 和中国).

My dissertation looks at the Pollution Haven Hypothesis (PHH) in the context of international 贸易. A part of the dissertation is published in The BE Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy Another part, which tests the theory with U.S. industry level data, is published in EXIM Bank, Occasional Paper Series and received the EXIM Bank’s International Economic Development 研究 Annual (IEDRA) Award in 2006. Since then I have maintained ties with the scholarly community by publishing in academic journals such as the Eastern Economic Journal, Contemporary Economic Policy and Environment and Development Economics (to name a few). My findings on the BRIC countries were recently published in a book titled “Economic Growth and Income Disparity in BRIC” by World Scientific Publishing.

By challenging conventional ideas in my own research, I hope to inspire my students to formulate creative and innovative research 问题 and to seek answers to those 问题.


Economic Growth and Income Disparity

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